

Palazzo Nicolosio Lomellini

Logo Rollo Palazzi dei Rolli Rolli

The Republic of Genoa did not have a public palace to host state visitor, so the Senate established in 1576 a "Registro dei Pubblici Alloggiamenti" (list of Public Lodgins") or "Rollo" (roll). The roll listed the houses worthy to host state authorities during an official visit to the Republic.
Five rolls were compiled in 1576, 1588, 1599, 1614, 1664. Each Roll was divided into "bussoli" (draw containers), following the quality and size of buildings; a drawn choose the dwellings that should provide hospitality for the official guests: the first lists the palaces for cardinals, princes and viceroys, others where selected for lesser nobles and ambassadors.
In later times, the "Palazzi dei Rolli" housed many famous travelers, which included Genoa in their Grand Tour, one for all P.P. Rubens. He was fascinated by the Genoese mansions, he collected and published designs that were offered by the owners (as a souvenir for important guests), to inspire his fellow citizens to renew their homes in the "modern fashion"; the two editions of the collection (1622 and 1652) became an important contribution to the renewal of European architecture.
The knowledge and appreciation of these noble buildings is due to the incessant research of Prof. Ennio Poleggi. His studies are in "A Republican Royal Palace - An Atlas of the Genoese Palaces 1576/1664."

On 16 July 2006 the site "Genoa: the Strade Nuove and the System of Palazzi dei Rolli" was inscribed in the World Heritage List of UNESCO in the category of cultural heritage.